Your search matched 4 words and 42 sentences.
Search Terms: 堪らない*, たまらない*

Dictionary results(showing 4 results)

expression, adjective
intolerable, unbearable, unendurable(usually kana)
irresistible, tremendous, out of this world(usually kana)
cannot help (doing), cannot but do, anxious to do(usually kana)(after te-form of verbs and adj.)

Present Indicative, Negative (Conjugated match)
Godan-ru verb, intransitive verb
to collect, to gather, to save, to accumulate, to pile up(usually kana)
Other readings:

Present Indicative, Negative (Conjugated match)
Godan-ru verb, intransitive verb
to bear, to endure(usually kana)(often adds emphasis)
See also:堪らない
Other readings:

Present Indicative, Negative (Conjugated match)
Godan-ru verb, intransitive verb
to be saved up (of money)

Sentence results (showing 1-10 of 42 results)

I can't bear the pain

I can't stand this heat

The boy was anxious for a new bicycle

Open the window. It's baking hot in here

I'm dying for that camera

I'm dying for a cold drink

I have very bad chills

I'm dying for a cold drink

We cannot help missing you badly
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